Sponge Spicule Beauty Therapy (SSBT) was originated in France, Dr.Michel Pistor, a physician, after finishing his studies at the Faculty de Medicine de Paris, Doctor Michel Pistor choose to specialize in general medicine in a small country village. In 1952 he invented a simple, but revolutionary technique- Mesotherapy.
The Larousse dictionary gives this definition “a therapeutic procedure that consists of injecting a minimal dose of medication, at a slight depth by needles at the closest point possible to the origin of the pain or illness.”
He liked to summon up this therapy with this phrase “ little, rarely and in the right place.”
In 1987, the French Academy of Medicine officially included microneedle beautification into one of the legitimate traditional medical treatment projects. In 1988, Italian dermatologists discovered that phosphatidylcholine was injected into the skin, which had the effect of dissolving fat and eliminating fat. Microneedle beautification therapy then entered the market of beauty rejuvenation.